T1.Venue Name,T1.Venue Identifier,T1.Country of Competent Authority,T1.Market Segment,T1.Date of the trading day,T1.Outages,T1.Scheduled Auction,T1.Failed Transactions,T2.Financial Instrument Name,T2.Financial Instrument Identifier,T2.Instrument classification,T2.Currency,T3.Size Range 09:30,T3.Simple Average 09:30,T3.Total value 09:30,T3.Price 09:30,T3.Time of execution 09:30,T3.Transaction size 09:30,T3.Trading system 09:30,T3.Trading mode 09:30,T3.Trading platform 09:30,T3.Best bid and offer 09:30,T3.Size Range 11:30,T3.Simple Average 11:30,T3.Total value 11:30,T3.Price 11:30,T3.Time of execution 11:30,T3.Transaction size 11:30,T3.Trading system 11:30,T3.Trading mode 11:30,T3.Trading platform 11:30,T3.Best bid and offer 11:30,T3.Size Range 13:30,T3.Simple Average 13:30,T3.Total value 13:30,T3.Price 13:30,T3.Time of execution 13:30,T3.Transaction size 13:30,T3.Trading system 13:30,T3.Trading mode 13:30,T3.Trading platform 13:30,T3.Best bid and offer 13:30,T3.Size Range 15:30,T3.Simple Average 15:30,T3.Total value 15:30,T3.Price 15:30,T3.Time of execution 15:30,T3.Transaction size 15:30,T3.Trading system 15:30,T3.Trading mode 15:30,T3.Trading platform 15:30,T3.Best bid and offer 15:30,T4.Simple average transaction price,T4.Volume-weighted transaction price,T4.Highest executed price,T4.Lowest executed price,T5.Information required under Article 5(a) to (d),T5.Link to a website or other source where further information on costs is avail,"T5.Total value of all rebates, discounts, or other payments offered (as % of tot",T5.Total value of all costs (as a % of total traded value during the reporting p,T6.Number of orders or request for quotes received,T6.Number of transactions executed,T6.Number of orders or request for quotes received cancelled or withdrawn,T6.Number of orders or request for quotes received modified,T6.Median transaction size,T6.Median size of all orders or requests for quote,T6.Number of designated market makers,T9.Mean time elapsed between acceptance and execution,T9.Median time elapsed between acceptance and execution,T9.Mean time elapsed between request and provision of any corresponding quotes,T9.Median time elapsed between request and provision of any corresponding quotes
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191001,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,104.625,10:28:05,200000,RequestForQuote,,Voice,104.471985,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,104.625,104.625,104.625,104.625,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,0:00:29,0:00:29,0:00:07,0:00:07
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191001,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,350000,N/A,,,0:01:18,0:01:18
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191001,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191001,N/A,N/A,N/A,GEBGG 6 07/26/23 REGS,XS1405775880,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,103.825,10:45:53,731000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,104.154,0,,,103.825,12:22:01,791000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,104.333,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,103.7166667,103.696134,103.825,103.5,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,3,0,0,791000,791000,N/A,0:06:50,0:03:11,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191001,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191001,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 04/17/25,XS1713473608,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,105.8825,105.8763636,105.89,105.875,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,2,0,0,1650000,300000,N/A,0:00:31,0:00:31,0:00:05,0:00:05
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191001,N/A,N/A,N/A,RFLB 7 08/16/23 6215,RU000A0JU4L3,DBFXFR,RUB,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,7000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191001,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,113000,N/A,,,0:00:04,0:00:04
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191001,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,0,1,0,,1650000,N/A,,,0:00:27,0:00:27
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191001,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,2550000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191001,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 1/4 06/23/47 144A,RU000A0JXU22,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,118.1,11:21:00,3000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,117.958,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,118.1,118.1,118.1,118.1,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,3000000,3000000,N/A,0:07:53,0:07:53,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191001,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 1/4 06/23/47 REGS,RU000A0JXU14,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,118.1,11:12:17,1600000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,117.91,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,118.885,15:41:35,2000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,118.54,118.6083333,118.6446429,118.885,118.1,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,3,0,0,2000000,1800000,N/A,0:01:10,0:00:22,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191001,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 7/8 09/16/43 REGS,XS0971721963,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191001,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191002,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,104,104,104,104,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,1884000,1884000,N/A,0:00:08,0:00:08,0:00:12,0:00:12
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191002,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5 7/8 11/07/21 REGS,XS1510534677,DAFSGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,1,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191002,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191002,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:14,0:00:14
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191002,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:11,0:00:11
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191002,N/A,N/A,N/A,RFLB 7 01/25/23 6211,RU000A0JTJL3,DBFXFR,RUB,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,50000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191002,N/A,N/A,N/A,RFLB 7 1/2 08/18/21 6217,RU000A0JVW30,DBFXFR,RUB,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,50000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191002,N/A,N/A,N/A,RFLB 7.6 07/20/22 6209,RU000A0JSMA2,DBFXFR,RUB,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,50000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191002,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,57000,N/A,,,0:00:09,0:00:09
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191002,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,1000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191002,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191002,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 5/8 04/04/42 REGS,XS0767473852,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,122.815,15:55:21,6000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,122.985,122.815,122.815,122.815,122.815,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,1,0,0,6000000,17200000,N/A,1:38:56,1:38:56,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191002,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,112.86,11:10:37,4000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,112.694,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,112.86,112.86,112.86,112.86,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,4000000,4000000,N/A,0:13:57,0:13:57,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191002,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 7 1/2 03/31/30 REGS,XS0114288789,DBFUAR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,70000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191003,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5 7/8 11/07/21 REGS,XS1510534677,DAFSGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,8,0,1,0,,245000,N/A,,,0:00:11,0:00:11
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191003,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,5,0,3,0,,250000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191003,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191003,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,100.02,13:45:35,200000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,100.594,0,,,,,,,,,,100.02,100.02,100.02,100.02,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,2,0,0,750000,200000,N/A,0:03:04,0:03:04,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191003,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 04/17/25,XS1713473608,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,260000,N/A,,,0:00:19,0:00:19
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191003,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 07/19/21,XS1449458915,DBFXCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191003,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,270000,N/A,,,0:00:06,0:00:06
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191003,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191003,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/2 04/04/22 REGS,XS0767472458,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,105.5,14:00:48,200000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,105.673889,0,,,,,,,,,,105.5,105.5,105.5,105.5,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191003,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 7/8 09/16/23 REGS,XS0971721450,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,1000000,N/A,,,0:00:05,0:00:05
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191003,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 7 1/2 03/31/30 REGS,XS0114288789,DBFUAR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,1000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191004,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,104.5,104.5,104.5,104.5,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,2000000,2000000,N/A,0:03:05,0:03:05,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191004,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5 7/8 11/07/21 REGS,XS1510534677,DAFSGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191004,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191004,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 7 1/2 10/05/27 REGS,XS1589106910,DBFQFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191004,N/A,N/A,N/A,GEBGG 11 1/8 PERP,XS1970667769,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191004,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:05,0:00:05
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191004,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 07/19/21,XS1449458915,DBFXCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:13,0:00:13
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191004,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,122000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191004,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,100000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191004,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/2 04/04/22 REGS,XS0767472458,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191004,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 7/8 09/16/23 REGS,XS0971721450,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:14,0:00:14
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191004,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,101.75,101.75,101.75,101.75,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,1,0,0,100000,100000,N/A,0:00:27,0:00:27,0:00:22,0:00:22
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191004,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 1/4 06/23/47 REGS,RU000A0JXU14,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,119.44,13:20:20,3000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,119.81,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,119.86,16:05:56,3000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,119.35,119.65,119.65,119.86,119.44,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,2,0,0,3000000,3000000,N/A,0:09:56,0:09:56,0:00:02,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191007,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5 7/8 11/07/21 REGS,XS1510534677,DAFSGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,5,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191007,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191007,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,1,0,,350000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191007,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,0:00:42,0:00:42
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191007,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 1/4 06/23/47 REGS,RU000A0JXU14,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,0:00:11,0:00:11
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191008,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,500000,N/A,,,0:00:24,0:00:24
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191008,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5 7/8 11/07/21 REGS,XS1510534677,DAFSGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191008,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.15 02/20/24 REGS,XS1951067039,DBFUCR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,275000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191008,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191008,N/A,N/A,N/A,GEBGG 11 1/8 PERP,XS1970667769,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,1000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191008,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,7,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:18,0:00:09
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191008,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5 1/8 05/31/24,XS1577961516,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:06,0:00:06
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191008,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 07/19/21,XS1449458915,DBFXCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,0:00:07,0:00:07
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191008,N/A,N/A,N/A,RFLB 7 01/25/23 6211,RU000A0JTJL3,DBFXFR,RUB,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,15700000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191008,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,70000,N/A,,,0:00:08,0:00:08
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191008,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,1400000,N/A,,,0:00:13,0:00:13
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191009,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191009,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:18,0:00:18
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191009,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,5,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191009,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5 1/8 05/31/24,XS1577961516,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,1000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191009,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,0:00:16,0:00:16
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191009,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,100000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191009,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191009,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 7/8 09/16/43 REGS,XS0971721963,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191009,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191010,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5 7/8 11/07/21 REGS,XS1510534677,DAFSGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,500000,N/A,,,0:00:16,0:00:16
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191010,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.15 02/20/24 REGS,XS1951067039,DBFUCR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,104.875,13:39:09,182000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,104.929337,0,,,,,,,,,,104.875,104.875,104.875,104.875,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,182000,182000,N/A,0:00:06,0:00:06,0:00:11,0:00:11
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191010,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,353000,N/A,,,0:00:14,0:00:14
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191010,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 07/19/21,XS1449458915,DBFXCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,0:01:05,0:01:05
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191010,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:21,0:00:21
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191010,N/A,N/A,N/A,RFLB 7 01/25/23 6211,RU000A0JTJL3,DBFXFR,RUB,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,30000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191010,N/A,N/A,N/A,RFLB 7 1/2 08/18/21 6217,RU000A0JVW30,DBFXFR,RUB,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,30000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191010,N/A,N/A,N/A,RFLB 7.05 01/19/28 6212,RU000A0JTK38,DBFXFR,RUB,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,12500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191010,N/A,N/A,N/A,RFLB 7.6 07/20/22 6209,RU000A0JSMA2,DBFXFR,RUB,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,30000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191010,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,50000,N/A,,,0:00:07,0:00:07
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191010,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,150000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191010,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,101.65,13:22:01,300000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,101.46096,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,101.65,101.65,101.65,101.65,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,1,0,0,300000,300000,N/A,,,0:00:16,0:00:16
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191011,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5 7/8 11/07/21 REGS,XS1510534677,DAFSGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,596000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191011,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 7 1/2 10/05/27 REGS,XS1589106910,DBFQFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191011,N/A,N/A,N/A,GEBGG 6 07/26/23 REGS,XS1405775880,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,103.55,103.55,103.55,103.55,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,300000,300000,N/A,0:00:16,0:00:16,0:00:15,0:00:15
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191011,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191011,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 07/19/21,XS1449458915,DBFXCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,236000,N/A,,,0:00:07,0:00:07
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191011,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,99.33666667,99.45916667,99.5,99.125,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,3,0,0,500000,500000,N/A,0:39:24,0:01:56,0:00:05,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191011,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 1/4 06/23/47 REGS,RU000A0JXU14,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191014,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5 7/8 11/07/21 REGS,XS1510534677,DAFSGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191014,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 7 1/2 10/05/27 REGS,XS1589106910,DBFQFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191014,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191014,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5 1/8 05/31/24,XS1577961516,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191014,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,99.5,99.5,99.5,99.5,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,4000000,4000000,N/A,0:11:18,0:11:18,0:00:23,0:00:23
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191014,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,42000,N/A,,,0:00:09,0:00:09
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191014,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191014,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/2 04/04/22 REGS,XS0767472458,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,105.5,9:43:26,200000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,105.56739,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,105.5,105.5,105.5,105.5,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191014,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,100000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191014,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 1/4 06/23/47 REGS,RU000A0JXU14,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191014,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:12,0:00:12
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,103.5,11:57:22,200000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,103.1,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,103.5,103.5,103.5,103.5,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,0:00:31,0:00:31,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5 7/8 11/07/21 REGS,XS1510534677,DAFSGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.15 02/20/24 REGS,XS1951067039,DBFUCR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,GEBGG 11 06/01/20 REGS,XS1577958488,DYFXXR,GEL,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,100.25,100.25,100.25,100.25,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,570000,570000,N/A,0:06:49,0:06:49,0:00:29,0:00:29
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,14,0,4,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 07/19/21,XS1449458915,DBFXCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,1000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,250000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,RFLB 7 01/25/23 6211,RU000A0JTJL3,DBFXFR,RUB,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,35000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,RFLB 7 1/2 08/18/21 6217,RU000A0JVW30,DBFXFR,RUB,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,35000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,RFLB 7.6 07/20/22 6209,RU000A0JSMA2,DBFXFR,RUB,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,35000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,58000,N/A,,,0:00:08,0:00:08
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,100000,N/A,,,0:00:13,0:00:13
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/4 05/27/26 REGS,RU000A0JWHA4,DBFTFM,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191015,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,800000,N/A,,,0:00:21,0:00:21
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191016,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,104,104,104,104,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,500000,500000,N/A,0:01:51,0:01:51,0:00:06,0:00:06
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191016,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5 7/8 11/07/21 REGS,XS1510534677,DAFSGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,5,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191016,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,8,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:02:01,0:02:01
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191016,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 04/17/25,XS1713473608,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,106.25,13:25:52,220000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,106.401764,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,106.25,106.25,106.25,106.25,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,220000,220000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191016,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,0,0,0,,96500,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191016,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/2 04/04/22 REGS,XS0767472458,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,2800000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191016,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,2200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191016,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191016,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,1000000,N/A,,,0:00:48,0:00:48
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191016,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 7 1/2 03/31/30 REGS,XS0114288789,DBFUAR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,104.25,15:02:33,425000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,105.1,0,,,,,,,,,,104.25,104.25,104.25,104.25,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,2,0,0,462500,462500,N/A,0:11:09,0:11:09,0:00:12,0:00:12
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5 7/8 11/07/21 REGS,XS1510534677,DAFSGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,0,0,0,,275000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,0,4,0,,600000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 04/17/25,XS1713473608,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 07/19/21,XS1449458915,DBFXCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/4 07/03/24,XS1843433555,DCFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,113.625,113.625,113.625,113.625,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,2000000,2000000,N/A,0:00:29,0:00:29,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,0,0,0,,98000,N/A,,,0:00:07,0:00:07
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,800000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/2 04/04/22 REGS,XS0767472458,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,1600000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 7/8 09/16/23 REGS,XS0971721450,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,1,0,,2600000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191017,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,112.98,9:58:08,3000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,113.293,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,112.98,112.98,112.98,112.98,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,2,0,0,2500000,1100000,N/A,0:02:13,0:02:13,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191018,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,104.44,104.452,104.5,104.38,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,2,0,0,500000,400000,N/A,0:00:18,0:00:18,0:00:19,0:00:19
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191018,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191018,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191018,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,6,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:12,0:00:12
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191018,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 04/17/25,XS1713473608,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,106.39,11:21:47,203000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,106.577126,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,106.39,106.39,106.39,106.39,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,203000,203000,N/A,0:00:31,0:00:31,0:00:30,0:00:30
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191018,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/4 07/03/24,XS1843433555,DCFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,113.25,113.25,113.5,113,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,2,0,0,5000000,5000000,N/A,0:00:38,0:00:38,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191018,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,214000,N/A,,,0:00:23,0:00:23
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191018,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,0,0,0,,104000,N/A,,,0:00:16,0:00:16
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191018,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191018,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/4 05/27/26 REGS,RU000A0JWHA4,DBFTFM,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191018,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191018,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,150000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191021,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191021,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:08,0:00:08
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191021,N/A,N/A,N/A,GEBGG 11 1/8 PERP,XS1970667769,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,104.5,14:25:56,200000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,104.7083,0,,,,,,,,,,104.5,104.5,104.5,104.5,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,0:00:54,0:00:54,0:00:16,0:00:16
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191021,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191021,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5 1/8 05/31/24,XS1577961516,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191021,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 07/19/21,XS1449458915,DBFXCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,500000,N/A,,,0:00:06,0:00:06
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191021,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,100.31,100.31,100.34,100.28,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,2,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,0:00:39,0:00:39,0:00:12,0:00:12
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191021,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,1,0,,800000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191021,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/4 05/27/26 REGS,RU000A0JWHA4,DBFTFM,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191021,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191021,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191021,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191022,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,104.875,104.875,104.875,104.875,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,500000,500000,N/A,0:01:56,0:01:56,0:00:11,0:00:11
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191022,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,2,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191022,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,275000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191022,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:14,0:00:14
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191022,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,600000,N/A,,,0:00:10,0:00:10
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191022,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,6,0,0,0,,79500,N/A,,,0:00:06,0:00:05
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191022,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,1,0,,300000,N/A,,,0:00:08,0:00:08
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191022,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/4 05/27/26 REGS,RU000A0JWHA4,DBFTFM,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191022,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,107.5,107.5,107.5,107.5,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,1,0,0,1000000,1000000,N/A,,,0:00:08,0:00:08
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191022,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 7/8 09/16/23 REGS,XS0971721450,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191022,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,1800000,N/A,,,0:00:13,0:00:13
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191022,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 5/8 04/04/42 REGS,XS0767473852,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,800000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191022,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:22,0:00:22
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191023,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191023,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:01:08,0:01:08
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191023,N/A,N/A,N/A,GEBGG 6 07/26/23 REGS,XS1405775880,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,900000,N/A,,,0:00:12,0:00:12
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191023,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,1,0,,1000000,N/A,,,0:00:08,0:00:08
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191023,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 04/17/25,XS1713473608,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191023,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:12,0:00:12
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191023,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,5,0,1,0,,60000,N/A,,,0:00:07,0:00:07
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191023,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,100000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191023,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,2000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191023,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/4 05/27/26 REGS,RU000A0JWHA4,DBFTFM,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191023,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 5/8 04/04/42 REGS,XS0767473852,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,2400000,N/A,,,0:00:17,0:00:17
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191024,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,1000000,N/A,,,0:00:15,0:00:15
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191024,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,1,0,,350000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191024,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 7 1/2 10/05/27 REGS,XS1589106910,DBFQFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191024,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:04,0:00:04
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191024,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191024,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,1,0,,71000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191024,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191024,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 1/4 06/23/47 REGS,RU000A0JXU14,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:05,0:00:05
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191025,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,1300000,N/A,,,0:00:05,0:00:05
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191025,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191025,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 7 1/2 10/05/27 REGS,XS1589106910,DBFQFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,0:00:08,0:00:08
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191025,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,5,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:09,0:00:09
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191025,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:10,0:00:10
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191025,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,170.5,12:31:48,227000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,170.660004,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,170.5,170.5,170.5,170.5,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,1,0,0,227000,57000,N/A,,,0:00:29,0:00:29
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191025,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,112.7,112.7,112.7,112.7,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,1,0,0,100000,450000,N/A,,,0:00:15,0:00:15
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191025,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191025,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,0,0,0,,1000000,N/A,,,0:00:21,0:00:21
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191025,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:11,0:00:11
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191028,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,106.5,15:46:33,200000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,105.866608,106.5,106.5,106.5,106.5,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,1,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,0:01:21,0:01:21,0:00:33,0:00:33
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191028,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,1,0,,350000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191028,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,85.25,85.25,85.25,85.25,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,1,0,0,232000,200000,N/A,0:00:36,0:00:36,0:00:35,0:00:35
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191028,N/A,N/A,N/A,GEBGG 11 1/8 PERP,XS1970667769,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,104.03,12:00:53,500000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,102.75,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,104.03,104.03,104.03,104.03,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,500000,500000,N/A,0:43:53,0:43:53,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191028,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:01:59,0:01:59
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191028,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5 1/8 05/31/24,XS1577961516,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191028,N/A,N/A,N/A,RFLB 7.05 01/19/28 6212,RU000A0JTK38,DBFXFR,RUB,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,93000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191028,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,170.125,14:10:07,45000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,169.945,0,,,,,,,,,,170.125,170.125,170.125,170.125,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,1,1,0,45000,45000,N/A,0:00:06,0:00:06,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191028,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191028,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,0,1,0,,300000,N/A,,,0:00:04,0:00:04
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191028,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/4 05/27/26 REGS,RU000A0JWHA4,DBFTFM,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,600000,N/A,,,0:00:08,0:00:08
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191028,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,0:00:09,0:00:09
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191028,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,0:00:08,0:00:08
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191028,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 7 1/2 03/31/30 REGS,XS0114288789,DBFUAR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,1000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191029,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.15 02/20/24 REGS,XS1951067039,DBFUCR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,1,0,,250000,N/A,,,0:00:14,0:00:14
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191029,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191029,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 7 1/2 10/05/27 REGS,XS1589106910,DBFQFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191029,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,88.706,88.60867089,89,88.25,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,6,5,0,0,2000000,1250000,N/A,0:07:49,0:02:07,0:00:22,0:00:10
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191029,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5 1/8 05/31/24,XS1577961516,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:14,0:00:14
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191029,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 07/19/21,XS1449458915,DBFXCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:04,0:00:04
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191029,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191029,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,0,0,0,,79500,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191029,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,500000,N/A,,,0:00:07,0:00:07
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191029,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,107,107,107,107,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,1,0,0,400000,1200000,N/A,0:00:40,0:00:40,0:00:06,0:00:06
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191029,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:08,0:00:08
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191029,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191029,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 1/4 06/23/47 REGS,RU000A0JXU14,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,118.29,16:13:54,5000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,118.625,118.29,118.29,118.29,118.29,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,5000000,5000000,N/A,0:01:55,0:01:55,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191029,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 7 1/2 03/31/30 REGS,XS0114288789,DBFUAR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191030,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,106.75,11:44:55,200000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,106.75,106.75,106.75,106.75,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,1,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,0:00:04,0:00:04,0:00:07,0:00:07
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191030,N/A,N/A,N/A,GEBGG 11 1/8 PERP,XS1970667769,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,103.5,14:00:25,700000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,103.042,0,,,,,,,,,,103.5,103.5,103.5,103.5,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,700000,700000,N/A,0:00:28,0:00:28,0:00:17,0:00:17
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191030,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,1,0,,500000,N/A,,,0:00:10,0:00:10
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191030,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,6,0,0,0,,41000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191030,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/2 04/04/22 REGS,XS0767472458,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,2000000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191030,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,1400000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191030,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/4 05/27/26 REGS,RU000A0JWHA4,DBFTFM,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,800000,N/A,,,0:00:11,0:00:11
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191030,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191030,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 7/8 09/16/23 REGS,XS0971721450,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,0:00:13,0:00:13
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191030,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,1,0,,100000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191030,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 1/4 06/23/47 REGS,RU000A0JXU14,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:27,0:00:27
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191030,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:13,0:00:13
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191030,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 7 1/2 03/31/30 REGS,XS0114288789,DBFUAR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191031,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191031,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191031,N/A,N/A,N/A,ETINL 9 1/2 04/18/24 REGS,XS1826862556,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191031,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191031,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,1,0,,375000,N/A,,,0:00:21,0:00:21
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191031,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,1,0,,39500,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191031,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/2 04/04/22 REGS,XS0767472458,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,1000000,N/A,,,0:00:09,0:00:09
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191031,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,108.32,14:27:59,2400000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,108.142,0,,,,,,,,,,108.32,108.32,108.32,108.32,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,2400000,2400000,N/A,0:01:11,0:01:11,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191031,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 7/8 09/16/23 REGS,XS0971721450,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,6000000,N/A,,,0:00:23,0:00:23
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191031,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,100000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191031,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,115.51,16:25:02,2000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,115.288,115.51,115.51,115.51,115.51,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,2000000,2000000,N/A,0:04:16,0:04:16,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191101,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.15 02/20/24 REGS,XS1951067039,DBFUCR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,300000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191101,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 7 1/2 10/05/27 REGS,XS1589106910,DBFQFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191101,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,5,0,1,0,,290000,N/A,,,0:00:16,0:00:10
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191101,N/A,N/A,N/A,GEBGG 11 1/8 PERP,XS1970667769,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,600000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191101,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 07/19/21,XS1449458915,DBFXCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,600000,N/A,,,0:01:04,0:01:04
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191101,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:06,0:00:06
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191101,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,5,0,0,0,,96000,N/A,,,0:00:21,0:00:21
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191101,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,2600000,N/A,,,0:00:24,0:00:24
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191101,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/4 05/27/26 REGS,RU000A0JWHA4,DBFTFM,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,1600000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191101,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,5,0,1,0,,600000,N/A,,,0:00:09,0:00:09
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191101,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 1/4 06/23/47 REGS,RU000A0JXU14,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,120.295,10:18:07,2000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,119.75,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,119.995,13:42:34,1000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,119.56,0,,,120.36,15:40:04,1000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,119.75,120.1216667,120.137,120.36,119.91,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,6,6,0,0,1000000,1000000,N/A,0:01:16,0:01:01,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191101,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,116.24,10:09:57,4800000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,116.301,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,116.2,14:09:35,4000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,116.209,0,,,,,,,,,,116.15,116.1091489,116.24,116.01,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,3,0,0,4800000,4800000,N/A,0:02:11,0:02:25,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191104,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 7 1/2 10/05/27 REGS,XS1589106910,DBFQFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:40,0:00:40
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191104,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,250000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191105,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,106.75,9:43:42,300000,RequestForQuote,,Voice,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,106.83,106.8613636,106.92,106.75,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,4,0,0,450000,450000,N/A,0:06:43,0:03:35,0:00:14,0:00:09
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191105,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,0,1,0,,250000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191105,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 7 1/2 10/05/27 REGS,XS1589106910,DBFQFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,93,11:38:09,200000,RequestForQuote,,Voice,93.593872,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,93,93,93,93,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,1,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,0:00:32,0:00:32,0:00:06,0:00:06
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191105,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 4.949 02/18/26,XS2010044381,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191105,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 04/17/25,XS1713473608,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191105,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,250000,N/A,,,0:00:11,0:00:11
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191105,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,34000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191105,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/2 04/04/22 REGS,XS0767472458,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,105.4,10:11:08,400000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,105.431114,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,105.4,16:04:10,200000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,105.429977,105.4,105.4,105.4,105.4,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,2,0,0,300000,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191105,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191105,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,100000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191105,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,114.58,16:02:09,4000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,114.766,114.58,114.58,114.58,114.58,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,4000000,4000000,N/A,0:11:45,0:11:45,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191106,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 04/17/25,XS1713473608,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191106,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,0:00:21,0:00:21
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191106,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,170.6,13:02:46,248000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,170.880005,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,170.6,170.6,170.6,170.6,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,1,0,0,248000,179000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191106,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,107.3,107.3,107.3,107.3,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,1,0,0,1200000,800000,N/A,0:01:04,0:01:04,0:01:05,0:01:05
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191106,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,108.6,11:14:07,200000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,108.499214,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,108.6,108.6,108.6,108.6,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,1,0,0,200000,800000,N/A,,,0:00:21,0:00:21
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191106,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 1/4 06/23/47 REGS,RU000A0JXU14,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,1600000,N/A,,,0:00:14,0:00:14
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191107,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 7 1/2 10/05/27 REGS,XS1589106910,DBFQFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,94.375,12:23:48,1000000,RequestForQuote,,Voice,93.400024,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,94.375,94.375,94.375,94.375,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,1,0,0,1000000,1000000,N/A,0:00:38,0:00:38,0:00:09,0:00:09
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191107,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 8 7/8 PERP REGS,XS1601094755,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191107,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5 1/8 05/31/24,XS1577961516,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191107,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 04/17/25,XS1713473608,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,600000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191107,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,170.3,14:37:01,600000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,170.539993,0,,,,,,,,,,170.3,170.3,170.3,170.3,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,2,0,0,500000,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191107,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191107,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 7/8 09/16/23 REGS,XS0971721450,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:06,0:00:06
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191107,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191108,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,106.75,106.75,106.75,106.75,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,500000,500000,N/A,0:00:07,0:00:07,0:00:07,0:00:07
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191108,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5 7/8 11/07/21 REGS,XS1510534677,DAFSGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:44,0:00:44
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191108,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,750000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191108,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,170.5,11:13:29,120000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,170.635,0,,,,,,,,,,1,170.3,206000,,,,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,170.580002,0,,,,,,,,,,170.36,170.3534615,170.5,170.3,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,9,5,0,0,100000,96000,N/A,0:00:54,0:00:47,0:00:19,0:00:09
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191108,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 2 7/8 12/04/25 REGS,RU000A0ZZVE6,DBFXXR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,100000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191108,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/2 04/04/22 REGS,XS0767472458,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191108,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191108,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,0:00:05,0:00:05
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191108,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 7/8 09/16/23 REGS,XS0971721450,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,6000000,N/A,,,0:00:11,0:00:11
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191108,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 04/29/20 REGS,XS0504954347,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191108,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 5/8 04/04/42 REGS,XS0767473852,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,123.17,15:33:41,1000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,122.687,123.17,123.17,123.17,123.17,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,1000000,1000000,N/A,0:02:10,0:02:10,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191108,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,114.29,15:25:24,2000000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,114.493,0,,,,,,,,,,114.29,114.29,114.29,114.29,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,2000000,2000000,N/A,0:02:35,0:02:35,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191108,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 7 1/2 03/31/30 REGS,XS0114288789,DBFUAR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,5000000,N/A,,,0:00:11,0:00:11
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191111,N/A,N/A,N/A,ARAGVI 12 04/09/24 REGS,XS1960552823,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,107.25,9:46:47,200000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,107.25,107.25,107.25,107.25,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,1,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,0:00:43,0:00:43,0:01:09,0:01:15
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191111,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 7 1/2 10/05/27 REGS,XS1589106910,DBFQFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,94.85,15:26:26,500000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,95.333,0,,,,,,,,,,94.85,94.85,94.85,94.85,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,4,1,1,0,500000,450000,N/A,0:02:02,0:02:02,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191111,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 07/19/21,XS1449458915,DBFXCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191111,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191111,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,170.45,15:05:08,129000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,170.64,0,,,,,,,,,,170.45,170.45,170.45,170.45,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,129000,129000,N/A,0:00:47,0:00:47,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191111,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/2 04/04/22 REGS,XS0767472458,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191111,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191111,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 7/8 09/16/23 REGS,XS0971721450,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,109.45,14:34:59,200000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,109.325,0,,,,,,,,,,109.45,109.45,109.45,109.45,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,0:02:09,0:02:09,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191111,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 1/4 06/23/47 REGS,RU000A0JXU14,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,118.2,118.2,118.2,118.2,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191111,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,0:00:11,0:00:11
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191112,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.15 02/20/24 REGS,XS1951067039,DBFUCR,EUR,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:14,0:00:14
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191112,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 5.55 02/14/23 REGS,XS1759801720,DAFNGR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,1000000,N/A,,,0:00:11,0:00:11
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191112,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 7 1/2 10/05/27 REGS,XS1589106910,DBFQFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,0:00:25,0:00:25
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191112,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 04/17/25,XS1713473608,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,500000,N/A,,,0:00:17,0:00:17
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191112,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 07/19/21,XS1449458915,DBFXCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,1,0,,400000,N/A,,,0:00:09,0:00:09
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191112,N/A,N/A,N/A,POGLN 8 1/8 11/14/22 REGS,XS1711554102,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,101.7,101.7,101.7,101.7,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,1,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,,,0:00:08,0:00:08
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191112,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,170.5,11:52:28,41000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,170.559998,0,,,170.5,13:40:43,800000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,170.645004,0,,,,,,,,,,170.5,170.5,170.5,170.5,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,6,3,0,0,230000,77500,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191112,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/2 04/04/22 REGS,XS0767472458,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191112,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:52,0:00:52
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191112,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,5,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:15,0:00:12
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191112,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 7/8 09/16/23 REGS,XS0971721450,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,1400000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191112,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 1/4 06/23/47 REGS,RU000A0JXU14,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,118.29,12:45:36,2400000,RequestForQuote,,Voice,118.264999,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,118.29,118.29,118.29,118.29,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,2400000,2400000,N/A,0:00:55,0:00:55,0:00:37,0:00:37
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191112,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,1100000,N/A,,,0:00:11,0:00:11
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191113,N/A,N/A,N/A,GEBGG 11 1/8 PERP,XS1970667769,DBFQPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:05,0:00:05
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191113,N/A,N/A,N/A,GEBGG 6 07/26/23 REGS,XS1405775880,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,800000,N/A,,,0:00:16,0:00:16
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191113,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 04/17/25,XS1713473608,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,206500,N/A,,,0:00:13,0:00:13
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191113,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,189000,N/A,,,0:00:06,0:00:06
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191113,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/2 04/04/22 REGS,XS0767472458,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191113,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/4 06/23/27 REGS,RU000A0JXTS9,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:06,0:00:06
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191113,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 1/4 06/23/47 REGS,RU000A0JXU14,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191113,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5 5/8 04/04/42 REGS,XS0767473852,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191113,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191114,N/A,N/A,N/A,CRBKMO 7 1/2 10/05/27 REGS,XS1589106910,DBFQFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,392000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191114,N/A,N/A,N/A,GEBGG 6 07/26/23 REGS,XS1405775880,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,500000,N/A,,,0:00:15,0:00:15
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191114,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 04/17/25,XS1713473608,DYFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191114,N/A,N/A,N/A,GTLKOA 5.95 07/19/21,XS1449458915,DBFXCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191114,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 12 3/4 06/24/28 REGS,XS0088543193,DBFUCR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,5,0,0,0,,50000,N/A,,,0:00:06,0:00:05
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191114,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 1/2 04/04/22 REGS,XS0767472458,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191114,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/4 05/27/26 REGS,RU000A0JWHA4,DBFTFM,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,400000,N/A,,,0:00:34,0:00:34
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191114,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 4 3/8 03/21/29 REGS,RU000A0ZYYN4,DBFXFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,800000,N/A,,,0:00:13,0:00:11
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191114,N/A,N/A,N/A,RUSSIA 5.1 03/28/35 REGS,RU000A1006S9,DBFXXR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,3,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:08,0:00:08
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191115,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 10.775 PERP REGS,XS1843433126,DBFXPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,102,102,102,102,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,2,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,0:05:41,0:05:41,0:00:24,0:00:24
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191115,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 5 3/4 06/19/24 REGS,XS1843434363,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,500000,N/A,,,0:00:11,0:00:11
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191118,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 5 3/4 06/19/24 REGS,XS1843434363,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,500000,N/A,,,0:00:10,0:00:10
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191120,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 10.775 PERP REGS,XS1843433126,DBFXPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:14,0:00:14
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191121,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 10.775 PERP REGS,XS1843433126,DBFXPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,102,102,102,102,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,1000000,1000000,N/A,0:01:21,0:01:21,0:00:06,0:00:06
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191125,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 10.775 PERP REGS,XS1843433126,DBFXPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,102.75,102.75,102.75,102.75,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,0:00:09,0:00:09,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191129,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 5 3/4 06/19/24 REGS,XS1843434363,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,1,0,,500000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191202,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 5 3/4 06/19/24 REGS,XS1843434363,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,0:00:12,0:00:12
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191203,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 10.775 PERP REGS,XS1843433126,DBFXPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,101.75,101.75,101.75,101.75,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,1,0,0,700000,700000,N/A,,,0:00:13,0:00:13
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191203,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 5 3/4 06/19/24 REGS,XS1843434363,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,350000,N/A,,,0:00:20,0:00:20
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191206,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 5 3/4 06/19/24 REGS,XS1843434363,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,0:00:13,0:00:13
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191209,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 5 3/4 06/19/24 REGS,XS1843434363,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,0:00:21,0:00:21
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191210,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 5 3/4 06/19/24 REGS,XS1843434363,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,300000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191212,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 10.775 PERP REGS,XS1843433126,DBFXPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,102.24,102.24,102.24,102.24,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,1,0,0,400000,400000,N/A,0:00:37,0:00:37,0:00:18,0:00:18
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191217,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 5 3/4 06/19/24 REGS,XS1843434363,DBFNFR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,225000,N/A,,,,
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191223,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 5 3/4 06/19/24 144A,US48128XAA19,DBXXXX,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,103.313,16:27:47,200000,RequestForQuote,,Electronic,,103.313,103.313,103.313,103.313,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,2,1,0,0,200000,200000,N/A,0:00:17,0:00:17,0:00:00,0:00:00
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited,IK9CLH4U15AXJVV22968,CY,N/A,20191231,N/A,N/A,N/A,TBCBGE 10.775 PERP REGS,XS1843433126,DBFXPR,USD,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(a) RESEC's Fixed Income desk (the 'execution venue') does not apply costs to client transactions directly.The desk’s operating costs, such as clearing and settlement fees, are charged to its Profit and Loss account.It does not meet any costs on clients' behalf.
(b) No rebates, discounts or other payments are offered by the execution venue to its users.
(c) The only non-monetary benefit offered to users of the execution venue is written material on fixed income products, classified by RESEC under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 Article 12 (3) as a minor non-monetary benefit.
(d) No taxes or levies are invoiced to, or incurred by, the execution venue on behalf of the users of the venue.",http://www.rencap.com/InvestmentBanking/LegalInformation/RenaissanceSecurities(Cyprus)Ltd/,0,0,1,0,0,0,,200000,N/A,,,,